WoW stuff
All of this information in one place in case I lose it or someone asks for it.
Last updated: 2024
Last updated: 2024
Google Docs
WoW Basics Guide for extremely new gamers by me
A World Awoken (Taivan Partial Guide) by me. Partial because I only wrote out what I had left to do. I wrote stuff out because I was frustrated navigating the Achievements window with no back button constantly re-checking what I needed to do. So if what is there helps you, enjoy!
WoW Basics Guide for extremely new gamers by me
A World Awoken (Taivan Partial Guide) by me. Partial because I only wrote out what I had left to do. I wrote stuff out because I was frustrated navigating the Achievements window with no back button constantly re-checking what I needed to do. So if what is there helps you, enjoy!
My favorite addons
!NoFlash - Stops the WoW icon from flashing on the Taskbar
Baganator - A good bags addon
BagSync - Tracks items across your characters. Hover over an item and it will say who else has that in the tooltip.
BeQuiet - Suppress "Talking Heads"
CombinedBank - When you visit the bank, everything will be in one big bag instead of a lot of little bags.
CursorTrail - Configurable trail to notice your cursor more easily
Custom Item Notes - Make notes in the tooltips of your stuff! Never forget what that obscure thing is for again!
Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) - Tells you what to do!
Demodal - Lets you move windows around freely
Details! - Damage meter
Edit Mode Expanded - More options in Edit Mode (UI customization)
HandyNotes - Mark your map with icons
LS: Glass - Prettier chat that you can make fade out more quickly
Masque + Masque Blizzard Bars - Skin some stuff without having to get a whole UI suite
MountJournalEnhanced - Extra features & filters for the mount journal
Mouseover Action Settings - Automatic UI fader
Opie - Custom circular menus
Plater Nameplates - Configurable nameplates. My customization for this is below if you want to try it.
SexyMap - Configurable minimap
TinyInspect - Displays your gear better
World Quests List - View all the World Quests on your map in a list
!NoFlash - Stops the WoW icon from flashing on the Taskbar
Baganator - A good bags addon
BagSync - Tracks items across your characters. Hover over an item and it will say who else has that in the tooltip.
BeQuiet - Suppress "Talking Heads"
CombinedBank - When you visit the bank, everything will be in one big bag instead of a lot of little bags.
CursorTrail - Configurable trail to notice your cursor more easily
Custom Item Notes - Make notes in the tooltips of your stuff! Never forget what that obscure thing is for again!
Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) - Tells you what to do!
Demodal - Lets you move windows around freely
Details! - Damage meter
Edit Mode Expanded - More options in Edit Mode (UI customization)
HandyNotes - Mark your map with icons
LS: Glass - Prettier chat that you can make fade out more quickly
Masque + Masque Blizzard Bars - Skin some stuff without having to get a whole UI suite
MountJournalEnhanced - Extra features & filters for the mount journal
Mouseover Action Settings - Automatic UI fader
Opie - Custom circular menus
Plater Nameplates - Configurable nameplates. My customization for this is below if you want to try it.
SexyMap - Configurable minimap
TinyInspect - Displays your gear better
World Quests List - View all the World Quests on your map in a list
My Plater customization (import text string)
WeakAuras I've made
- You need the addon WeakAuras to use these.
- If you know how to configure WeakAuras, you can use these as a base and change anything to suit your needs such as the spell being tracked, the graphic, positions, etc.
Apex Predator's Craving (Feral Druid)
Graphic displays below your feet when you get a free Bite from Apex Predator's Craving.
Bloodtalons (Feral Druid)
Graphic displays when Bloodtalons is active.
Buff Tracking (Feral Druid)
Easily see which powerful abilities are available to use to the side. View the duration of active Tiger's Fury below.
Scripts I like
Paste the text in the chat box or make a macro button.
Paste the text in the chat box or make a macro button.
Mark Target with Raid Marker (1-8)
/script SetRaidTarget("target", 8);
Check what Daily Quests are available in a zone:
/script for i,t in ipairs(C_TaskQuest.GetQuestsForPlayerByMapID(1462)) do print("Dailies Available: " .. C_QuestLog.GetTitleForQuestID(t.questId)) end
Browse WoW Map IDs here:
Open Shadowlands Covenants Page:
/run ShowGarrisonLandingPage(Enum.GarrisonType.Type_9_0)
Show/hide your character name:
/run local n="UnitNameNPC"local x=1-GetCVar(n)SetCVar(n,x)SetCVar("UnitNameOwn",x)
Show/hide all player names:
/run local n="UnitNameNPC"local x=1-GetCVar(n)SetCVar(n,x)SetCVar("UnitNameFriendlyPetName",x)SetCVar("UnitNameEnemyPlayerName",x)SetCVar("UnitNameFriendlyPlayerName",x)
Show/hide the minimap:
/run local m = Minimap if m:IsShown() then m:Hide() else m:Show() end
Spam-able Repeatable Quest turn-in (use as single macro button)
/script SelectGossipAvailableQuest(1)
/script CompleteQuest()
/script GetQuestReward()